censored - A tidymodels package for survival models. rstudio::conf(2022), Washington D.C., U.S.A. [slides]
censored - A tidymodels package for survival models. useR! 2022, online.
censored - A tidymodels package for survival models. R/Medicine 2022, online.
censored - A tidymodels package for survival models. CANSSI Ontario Statistical Software Conference, online.
censored - A tidymodels package for survival models. R-Ladies London, online.
Panel Discussion: Frontliners and Next Frontiers of Statistical Computing in Data Science at Statistical Computing in Action, online.
- Frick H (2020). Assessing Model Parameter Stability in R Presented at “celebRation 2020”, Copenhagen, Denmark. [slides]
Frick H (2019). goodpractice - A Tool for Good Package Development. Presented at “useR! 2019 - The R User Conference”, Toulouse, France. [slides]
Frick H, Kulma K (2019). Explainable Machine Learning. Presented at “SatRday Berlin”, Berlin, Germany. [material]
Frick H, Kulma K (2019). Explainable Machine Learning. Presented at “Analytics Summit”, London, UK. [material]
Frick H (2019). Good Practice for R Packages. Presented at “BarcelonaR”, Barcelona, Spain.
Frick H (2019). rstudio::conf Round-up. Presented at “LondonR”, London, UK.
Frick H (2019). Building R Packages (Workshop). Presented at “Sainsbury’s Data Conference”, London, UK. [slides]
Frick H (2019). rstudio::conf Round-up. Presented at “R-Ladies London”, London, UK.
Frick H (2018). Tour of the tidyverse. Presented at “YSS Statistical Showcase”, London, UK.
Frick H (2018). Good Practice for R Packages. Presented at “LondonR”, UK. [material]
Frick H (2018). Good Practice for R Packages. Presented at “Call of Data”, Madrid, Spain.
Frick H (2018). Navigating the Wealth of R Packages. Presented at “eRum - European R Users Meeting”, Budapest, Hungary. [slides] [video]
Frick H (2018). The goodpractice Package. Presented at “R-Ladies London”, UK.
Frick H (2018). Network Visualisations with ggraph. Presented at “ManchesterR”, UK. [slides]
Daish A, Frick H, de Queiroz G, LeDell E, Tan C, Vitolo C (2017). R-Ladies Global Community. Presented at “useR! 2017 - The R User Conference”, Brussels, Belgium. [video]
Frick H, Kosmidis I (2017). Fatigued or Ready to Train? Modelling Availability to Train via a Binary Time Series Mixed Model. Presented at “Statistics Seminar”, University of Glasgow, UK.
Frick H, Kosmidis I (2017). Fatigued or Ready to Train? Modelling Availability to Train via a Binary Time Series Mixed Model. Presented at “Statistics Seminar”, University of York, UK.
Frick H (2016). Tour Stop: R Markdown. Presented at “R-Ladies London”, UK.
Frick H, Kosmidis I (2016). trackeR - Infrastructure for Running and Cycling Data in R. Presented at “RSS 2016 International Conference”, University of Manchester, UK. [slides]
Frick H, Kosmidis I (2016). trackeR - Infrastructure for Running and Cycling Data in R. Presented at “useR! 2016 - The R User Conference”, Stanford University, USA. [slides] [video]
Frick H, Kosmidis I (2015). Tracking Data from GPS-Enabled Devices in R with Package ‘trackeR’. Presented at “Data Science in Data-Rich Sports - Alan Turing Institute Scoping Workshop”, University of London, UK. [slides]
Frick H, Kosmidis I (2015). Monitoring fatigue - How do physical status, wellness and training load relate? Presented at “NESSIS 2015 - New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports”, Harvard University, USA.
Frick H, Strobl C, Zeileis A (2014). To Split or to Mix? Tree vs. Mixture Models for Detecting Subgroups. Presented at “CompStat 2014 - 21st International Conference on Computational Statistics”, Geneva, Switzerland. [slides]
Frick H, Strobl C, Zeileis A (2014). To Split or to Mix? Uncovering Group Structures with Trees and Finite Mixture Models. Presented at “Psychoco 2014 - International Workshop on Psychometric Computing”, Universität Tübingen, Germany. [slides]
Frick H, Strobl C, Zeileis A (2013). Assessing Answer Patterns in Questionnaire / Item Response Data Using Mixtures of Rasch Models. Presented at “Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing and Statistics 2013”, London, UK. [slides]
Frick H, Strobl C, Zeileis A (2013). Assessing Answer Patterns in Questionnaire / Item Response Data Using Mixtures of Rasch Models. Presented at “DAGStat 2013 - 3rd Joint Statistical Meeting”, Universität Freiburg, Germany. [slides]
Frick H, Strobl C, Leisch F, Zeileis A (2013). On the Specification of the Score Distribution in Rasch Mixture Models. Presented at “Psychoco 2013 - International Workshop on Psychometric Computing”, Universität Zürich, Switzerland. [slides]
Frick H, Strobl C, Leisch F, Zeileis A (2012). Mixtures of Rasch Models with R Package psychomix. Presented at “IMPS 2012 - International Meeting of the Psychometric Society”, University of Nebraska, USA. [slides]
Frick H, Strobl C, Leisch F, Zeileis A (2012). Mixtures of Rasch Models with R Package psychomix. Presented at “Psychoco 2012 - International Workshop on Psychometric Computing”, Universität Innsbruck, Austria. [slides]
Frick H, Strobl C, Leisch F, Zeileis A (2011). Latent Classes of Latent Traits: Mixture Models and Item Response Theory. Presented at “Empirical and Experimental Economics - Research Platform Workshop”, Universität Innsbruck, Austria. [slides]
Frick H, Leisch F, Zeileis A, Strobl C (2011). Mixtures of Rasch Models. Presented at “Psychoco 2011 - International Workshop on Psychometric Computing”, Universität Tübingen, Germany. [slides]